Jivvij Samaara Prydz Pyramid Green Tea | 40 Tea bags | Eco-Friendly Tea Bags

Rs. 310.00

Prydz pyramid paper tea bags are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to enjoy a delicious cup of tea with enhanced flavor and aroma. Samaara Prydz paper pyramid tea bags are a convenient way to enjoy a high-quality cup of tea. Regular Tea bags are prone to wear and tear, but Prydz pyramid tea Bags are not. The pyramid shape allows for a better distribution of water throughout the tea bag, ensuring that Samaara Prydz paper pyramid tea bags every sip is as delicious as the last. The Samaara Prydz paper pyramid Tea Bags unique shape allows for more space for the tea leaves to expand, resulting in a better flavor extraction and a more enjoyable tea drinking experience.

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