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Benefits of honey, and how to make green tea with honey
Honey is a superfood. Its benefits have been mentioned in the most ancient of books. Medical practitioners and even dieticians recommend it for a variety of purposes. You should include honey in your everyday diet to keep healthy and active. If you are still unsure of the benefits of honey, let us tell you 5 benefits of honey that might convince you to incorporate it into your diet.
Other than the major 5 benefits, there are a lot of others too that may be beneficial for you in your daily life. Do you know that honey can provide great nourishment for your skin and face, it is an excellent remedy for cough, an excellent home remedy for dandruff, can be used in healing wounds, eases sinus issues, and also helps in curing and preventing eczema.
Honey is a very interesting food. It is an unexplored food for a lot of people since it is not used much these days. Our parents and grandparents use this a lot and they do know the benefits of honey. It would be interesting to know some lesser-known facts about honey. Some of these facts may even shock you!
Benefits of Honey -
1. Weight management -
The most common problem which people today face are related to their weight. Unnecessary fat in the body is the root cause of major health issues including chronic diseases. The major cause of people suffering from weight issues is because of the consumption of artificial sweeteners or refined sugar. If a person replaces all the other forms of sweetener with honey, they would never face weight issues ever again. Contrary to common misconceptions, honey makes you lose body fat. Experts recommend a spoonful of honey to be taken before going to bed. You can even consume it with lukewarm water on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. This will increase your metabolism. Increased metabolism is directly concerned with losing weight faster.
2. Boosts the immune system -
Honey naturally helps in curing a sore throat. Its antioxidants and bacteria-fighting properties help against fighting infections. According to experts, buckwheat honey has the highest number of antioxidants and when it is consumed on a daily basis can be beneficial for boosting immunity in the long run. This is the sole reason why honey is known to be one of the best immunity-boosting superfoods. To get an extra kick of energy for the whole day, consume honey every morning before breakfast or workout.
3. Improves memory -
“We are what we eat” is a famous saying and hence, it is very important to consume foods that help make our health strong. And by health, we also mean mental health. Honey has numerous health benefits, one of which includes boosting memory and concentration. Honey has been proven to increase brain power and memory. Consumption of honey also prevents metabolic stress and helps calm the brain. This helps in increasing memory in the long run. The natural antioxidants and therapeutic properties in honey help in boosting the brain's cholinergic system and circulation and receding cells that cause memory loss.
4. Helps with gum diseases -
Honey has anti-bacterial and infection healing properties that help in treating and healing wounds. Teeth and gum diseases like bleeding, plaque, and gingivitis can be treated to a great extent with the regular use of honey. Honey releases antiseptic hydrogen peroxide which acts as an antimicrobial agent that prevents the growth of bacteria. Experts advise using raw honey mixed with water as a mouthwash. Other than this, rubbing honey directly on infected gums gives instant relief from pain and inflammation.
5. Aids in sound sleep -
If you are having trouble falling asleep then you should definitely try drinking this beverage made of warm milk and honey just before you sleep. People have been using this drink to help them sleep better for centuries. To prepare this beverage, all you need to do is add a teaspoon of honey into a glass of hot milk or chamomile tea. Sip your drink slowly to infuse sleep.
Lesser known facts about honey -
1. Honey is the only insect-created food -
Honey is the only food created by insects. Bees work very hard to produce a small amount of honey. For producing a single pound of honey, a colony of bees has to collect nectar from around two million flowers and fly over 55,000 miles.
2. Honey doesn’t get spoiled -
Honey has an everlasting shelf life. It is said to never spoil and hence can be consumed long after its mentioned expiry date. The chemical compound of honey enables it to be free from bacteria.
3. Natural honey has different flavors and colours -
Raw and natural honey comes in various colours and flavours. The depth, texture and colour of honey are determined by the source of nectar.
These were some of the interesting facts about honey.
You might have been impressed by this superfood till now. You might even be thinking of incorporating it into your diet but how? Well, you can simply add honey to every dish or drink you have been adding other kinds of sweeteners till now. If you are on a diet and don’t consume anything sweet all day, you may add honey to your green tea to get the benefits of honey without breaking your diet.
Let us tell you how you can make green tea with honey.
Recipe for green tea with honey -
Ingredients -
- 1 cup water
- 1 tsp Honey
- 1 tea bag/tsp Green tea
Method -
- Boil water & add green tea
- Let it rest for 2 minutes
- Add honey & stir
- Serve hot
Some other drinks with honey that would fit in your diet -
- Green tea with lemon and honey
- Green tea with ginger and honey
Drinking green tea with honey has added advantages. They are -
- Benefits the heart
- Manage cholesterol
- Fights bad breath
- Good for bone health
- Gives you Healthy skin
- Improves brain function
- Helps in Hair growth
- Eases common cold
Tell us whether you consume honey on a daily basis or not. In which drink or dish do you always put the honey?
Check out our website to see the products that we offer. We have a wide range of different kinds of tea in our collection.